Saturday, December 30, 2006


Words can't even express how unbelievably frustrated I am with dating crap.

Monday, December 25, 2006

So I just finished reading the book Next by Michael Crichton. Michael Crichton writes books that interest me a great deal. He writes good stories, but they're always based in bleeding edge technology. Prey was about nanotech, State of Fear was about... well, global warming, and Next is about genetic patents/ transgenics.

This book was interesting, cause the narrative was all magnolia/crash-like. I dunno, read it if you're into high tech stuff. ok?

Right now, I'm watching Thank You For Smoking. It's cool in a rhetorical way. The best speech I gave in a speech class (and by best i mean most persuasive) was the one I gave from a sarcastic standpoint. I basically gave points that supported the opposite of what I thought, and as the speech went on, my points became more and more absurd, til the audience realized I was speaking sarcastically. That's basically how this film works. It's funny.

my phone just rang

Thursday, December 14, 2006

my new fish hooks?

So, I've decided that the world needs to know what top 5 favorite christmas movies are.

Honorable Mention:
The Nightmare Before Christmas.

White Christmas - It's a musical. It's great.

5. Miracle on 34th Street - the original. C'mon, that scene when the postal workers bring the mail in? It's like what every Matlock episode ever was based on. What a great film.

4. Die Hard - For real, one of my favorite action movies, AND one of my favorite Christmas movies.

3. It's a Wonderful Life - I cried once, at the age of 20, while seeing this film. (it was christmas eve, and I had just been awake for two successive all night flights, and it was the first and [thus far, only] Christmas i'd ever spent away from home), but still. This movie is amazing. Frank Capra is a great director.

2. A Christmas Story. Set in Hammond, Indiana, the place of my upbringing, how could I not absolutely love this film. It's such a real story, a kid who wants a present so bad that his parents can't help but get it for him. And the daydream sequences. I mean, where do you think Scrubs got the idea? A CLASSIC.

1. Home Alone. I'm watching this right now. Every element of this film works for me. As soon as I hear the first few notes of the opening credits, I know I'm watching for another hour and a half. I've got practically the entire film memorized, and I still just can't get enough. A phenomenal film.

What are your favorite Christmas movies?

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

yekermo su by mulatu astatke.

it was from Broken Flowers. It's on iTunes, I recommend listening to it.

here's a link.

Oh yeah, anytime you're ordering stuff from apple, go ahead and go to, and order from the link "shop online at the falls," cause I want you to.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

it goes like...

Ok, tonight in store, a song came on the background music that I had heard but I couldn't place it. My amazing memory has brought me to the point where I've narrowed it down to a sonhg from a film. I even think its a jarmusch film... In fact I think its down by law... But, what I want is for someone to tell me what the name and artist of the song are (is?- it's been a while since I wrote a paper).

The song is an instrumental with what sounds like two trumpets... Its kind of a cool minor-key thing. I dunno how to explain it. If you've seen whatever movie the song is in, and you hear the song again, you'd say, "hey that's that song from that one movie..."

So yeah, tell me it.

For the record, I bought talladega nights tonight. I'm excited about it.

Monday, December 04, 2006

christmas gift ideas

So I've been looking at tshirts online today. There are some really
funnyshirts out there. Feel free to gift them to me for christmas.

here's one i really like, Rubic's Cubicle

This one just struck me as really interesting, "A Bad Day at the Office"

A Couple More over at Go Ape Shirts: Pillow Fight Club

and Boo Boo Walker

I also like the et/alien one as well as the dali musical instruments thing.

My American Apparel size is 2xl
