Monday, December 25, 2006

So I just finished reading the book Next by Michael Crichton. Michael Crichton writes books that interest me a great deal. He writes good stories, but they're always based in bleeding edge technology. Prey was about nanotech, State of Fear was about... well, global warming, and Next is about genetic patents/ transgenics.

This book was interesting, cause the narrative was all magnolia/crash-like. I dunno, read it if you're into high tech stuff. ok?

Right now, I'm watching Thank You For Smoking. It's cool in a rhetorical way. The best speech I gave in a speech class (and by best i mean most persuasive) was the one I gave from a sarcastic standpoint. I basically gave points that supported the opposite of what I thought, and as the speech went on, my points became more and more absurd, til the audience realized I was speaking sarcastically. That's basically how this film works. It's funny.

my phone just rang


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was really disappointed by Next. The main plot was weak—a woman tries to escape being hunted down by someone who wants to... draw her blood?—and the science was less interesting than most of his previous works. It was also less substantive: there are gaggles of talking animals I think it's the only one of Crichton's books I've read where I didn't really learn anything.

Was your sarcastic speech the one where you pretended to think that Superman was cooler than Batman?

5:01 PM  

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