Monday, November 27, 2006

see it now! Before it goes live!

so I made a few new profile pics for my facebook. These are them. The Brad Pitt one is up already, the other two will go up soon enough.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

says he's got a bad cough, wants to get it paid off

there was a time, and it was when i had Dr. Trechsel (for 321, not 320), that I tried to title every paper with bob dylan lyrics. I mean honestly, the title is the most important part of every paper. Bringing It All Back Home I think might be my favorite Dylan album. He's so good. Anyone recommend a different album? Anyone read this?

It may sound odd, but I kind of miss getting a mental workout every few weeks... I kind of want to be assigned a paper or something. Maybe I should contact The Miami Herald (best major newspaper in the country, in my opinion) about being a columnist. I think I'm witty enough.

Anyway, I enjoyed James Bond, and I enjoyed Deja Vu.

Thursday, November 23, 2006

Good Times

I started my newest job on November 1st. I've come to really enjoy it, and the people I work with. Well a week or so ago a coworker asked me if I'd help with our holiday store appearance. Since we can't do that while the store's open, we start after close, and work all night.

So she asked me if I'd mind being on the visual team, and being tired all day on thanksgiving, and I explained to her that I wasn't from miami and that I wasn't going home... So anyway long story short, during our overnighter she and a manager cooked a for real turkey and had a thanksgiving dinner for all of us because they knew i wouldn't be able to go home for thanksgiving.

So anyway, i just wanted to let you all know about the cool thing my coworkers did. The people I work with are pretty cool.

Tonight, I could be seeing For Your Consideration, Babel, or Stranger Than Fiction, but my friends want to see Deja Vu. I mean, it looks alright, but I'm just saying...

Monday, November 20, 2006


So part of the new james bond movie was filmed in miami. In a mall. The same mall in which I am currently watching the new james bond movie. Creepy, huh?

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

no, really

for real though, how sweet is this shirt? It's only 15 pounds. However much that is in USD, I don't know. But it's honestly the best t-shirt I've seen in a while.

and yeah, i see that black line, i'm not fixing it.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

thievery or theivery

some words i just don't remember how to spell. and I before E is probably the worst "rule" ever. Yeah, I just spell checked it, it's definitely ie.

Anyway, I had a disturbing dream last night, which was precipitated by either an act of absentmindedness on my part, or an act of severely disturbing proportion on a thief's part. In my Jeep I have a visor cd holder with 12 cds in it. Since I became a fan of downloading my music sometime during freshman year of college, and pretty much stopped purchasing cds, It's all music that I've loved for a long time. Actually, it's mostly U2 music. So I have some U2, some Who, some Wilco, some Pedro the Lion, and the new Beck cd. And some random stuff, like pink floyd, aaron shust, etc. etc.

So those are mainly the cds I listen to. However, I do keep a cd holder in my console as well, with a few more cds. Mostly Dave Matthews, the rest of my Pedro the Lion, and my burned copy of the new JT cd.

A couple days ago, I really wanted to listen to JT, and I went to get it from my console, only to notice it was missing. I figured that some passenger had been idly flipping through my cds and left the case in the back seat, so I didn't think twice (it's alright) about it. Well, I've been kind of focusing my search in the last week or so to try and figure out in my car where the case is. So I actually threw away all the Wendy's bags and the receipts that have been littering my car in hopes of finding this case.

It's not there.

So, last night, as I realized that it actually just wasn't in my car, I came to the conclusion that someone broke into (ok, unzipped) my car and stole only my cd case. How disturbing is that? There were totally better cds on my visor that got passed over. Also, what thief gets pumped about Pedro the Lion? I mean, it's just kinda weird.

Anyway, this realization led me to have a disturbing dream in which I came up to my car to find a theif going through the back seat. When I confronted HER (i have weird dreams, she was a big native american, not unlike the one girl in Smoke Signals that has to drive her car backwards), she flipped out and got mad that I interrupted. She started yelling at me that if she couldn't steal anything from my car she'd break things.

As I reached to pull her from my car, she broke my phone and threw basically everything in my car on the ground. Guys, she broke my phone.

The real sad thing is that the case i had those cds that are missing in, was awesome. My mom, the elementary school librarian, had given it to me, and it said, "log in at the library" on it. RIP.

Speaking of music though, I just want to throw out there that 12 Memories by Travis is still one of my favorite albums ever.
currently eating: digiornos microwave self rising pizza. it's pretty much amazing.
Today at the mall I work at (, they put tha christmas lights out. It was kind of weird walking to my car through all the palm trees and tropical decor covered with twinkle lights.

so I had an amazing weekend. For real. I went out on Saturday night, cause it was Rachel's last night in miami... When rachel and I go out, we for real GO OUT, lemme tell ya. This time we went to some bars, and we ended up being out til 5:30. Last time she and I went out, we ended up on the beach until roughly 5:30. Say what you will about the hurricanes, suffocating humidity, and distance from everything else, but Miami has one heck of a night-life. For real. Last call was definitely at 5AM, which is roughly two hours later than in Muncie, In. I'm telling you, it's crazy down here.

Anyway I'm buying my parents the BEST CHRISTMAS PRESENT EVER this week. Well, I mean, they're paying for it, but it's still an amazing present. It rhymes with fly-mac.

In unrelated news, I really want to get a PS3, mostly cause it comes with Talladega Nights like two weeks before you can get it on dvd. And, my friend Victor and I are looking for a place together, which, when we get it, will probably need a huge hdtv, right? I think i'm going to be the purchaser of said tv. I'm fairly excited about it.

Hopefully we'll have the place by christmas, so you can all come and stay when it gets really cold wherever you live.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Can't sleeeep

So I'm sick, and I have to be up at 5:45 tomorrow. This sucks. On the plus side, I won't really be able to rest until sunday night.


Thursday, November 09, 2006

To Bill Brasky

"Did I ever tell you about the time Brasky took me out to go get a drink with him? We go off looking for a bar and we can't find one. Finally Brasky takes me to a vacant lot and says, 'Here we are.' We sat there for a year and a half — until sure enough, someone constructs a bar around us. Well, the day they opened we ordered a shot, drank it, and then burned the place to the ground. Brasky yelled over the roar of the flames, 'Always leave things the way you found 'em!'"

Wikipedia Articles I read today:


(i read that one cause I was talking about "drinking the kool-aid" and someone asked me where the saying was from. I knew it was a mass-suicide, but I wanted to know...

Anyway, I've been working a ton, and I have a job that i'm not allowed to post about, so that's why i never post on here. I will say though, who'd've thought that my first business card to have my name on it was my Apple Computer business card?

Anyway, life is good.